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Child Custody

Giving Children the attention they deserve

Decisions about child custody and visitation are difficult enough without dealing with the court system. You want what is best for the child but know that it will require compromise with your ex-partner.  We help with the child support forms and court processes so you can concentrate on the big picture; doing what is right for your children.


Help-U-File is a first-of-its-kind family law facility that helps you craft your own child custody and support agreement — at about a third or less of the cost of hiring a lawyer to represent you. By taking the lawyer out of the process, we can also reduce a significant amount of the conflict.


An attorney is an advocate who tends to look at one side of a case and push that side’s interests. The adversarial approach can be harmful in a child custody and visitation case, where the child’s best interests should be paramount.


In any divorce involving children, your legal papers need to include provisions for health insurance and child support. You also need to register with the California child support registry. Our trained professionals will prepare all of the required legal forms — and more.


When you come to Help-U-File, our trained professionals will interview you to find out where you are in the child custody process. In California, disputed child custody cases usually must go through mediation before a judge or commissioner and they will hear the case. We help you prepare for mediation by assembling paperwork that will help the mediator see a full and accurate picture, ensuring your child is given the proper amount of attention in the case that they deserve.

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